Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Death Of The Sky

What happened to the blue
the blue of the sky
the sky that held the stars
the sky that absorbed the songs of the birds
it was eaten by creatures that could not even fly
creatures that lived off the death of the sky

Photo Credit

Song In My Ear

These final days before I go
some are high and some are low
my minds singing stops and comes again
making me think of the places I've been
the song is high and sometimes low
it sometimes stops and sometimes goes
if people listen then they can hear
the sweet sad song inside my ear

Photo Credit

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I Lost My Mind

I lost my mind the other day
somewhere  between 2nd and Main street I think
it must have slipped out of my pocket while I was walking along
it is one of those things that is so inconvenient to loose
because you see, its where I keep my sanity


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

To Cry At The Moon

"What  does it mean to cry at the moon," she asked.

"It means that you appreciate the small things in life," I replied. 

"But the moon is not small," she said quietly. 

"It is to the naked eye," I replied. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


the trees sing as the birds sway
the whistling leaves cause the wind to rustle
the house drips as the faucet creeks
the apple eats a hole in the caterpillar
the pebbles gurgle as the stream stands still
they eyes talk as the mouth blinks
and my brain writes as my hand thinks

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What A Perfect World

what a perfect world
discrimination runs rampant
as the hatred we have for each other grows each day. 
children go hungry till their bones are more noticeable then their eyes

what a perfect world
war devastates countries as people fight for pleasure 
children hear the sound of guns and missiles flying as they lay in bed

what a perfect world
people turn their heads to their neighbors who ask for help 

what a perfect world
what a delightful perfect world

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Box

Yesterday I received a box covered in bright colored paper
I did sing as I opened the thing
only to discover it was empty
I chewed some gum while I twiddled my thumb,
curious to why it was empty
An empty box in colorful paper, why would somebody send that?
I could not eat I could not sleep,
The curiosity ate at me
I paced the hall I walked the streets
But still the answer eluded me
My mind, it spiraled out of control
leaving me in a chaotic black hole
I quickly slipped to a horrid place that was impossible to escape
I never could solve the puzzle
And that is what caused me to go insane